Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Diary of a lady

Spellcheck is an escapist, who will do anything to remain untouched by the harsh realities of life. This is her rambling diary, written exclusively for The Crystal Ship

Sex is fun. If you come, it's even better, 'coz then for a brief minute, your mind stops thinking, and all those irritating voices in your head shut up, and acknowledge the big O (or the small O, but an O nevertheless).
I've had sex in quite a few weird places: on the steps of a deserted church (may god forgive me), on my parent's bed, in the bathroom of a local gym, in my old classroom (after I passed out of school, I returned with one of my boyfriends to mark the place).

I never did come any of those times; the fear of getting caught nipped all Os in the bud. But years later, these memories make me smile.

The point of this little tidbit of absolutely useless piece of information? Nothing whatsoever. It's about memories, about little bits of hedonistic pleasure, about moments in your life when you dared to break the rules that the nuns and priests taught you.

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