Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Diary of a Lady - 3

Spellcheck is an escapist, who will do anything to remain untouched by the harsh realities of life. This is her rambling diary, written exclusively for The Crystal Ship

We all have a Pandora's box hidden in the depths of our minds. Over the years, I've filled mine with my fears, memories I wish to avoid in my conscious existence, my limitations, evil, unmentionable thoughts, my inadequacies…and now I've opened it.

Why did I do that?

The ghouls of my mind that I so carefully locked up are invading my conscious existence. My mind cannot deal with this overflow of reality, images and emotion. I do not want to rage. I do not want to rant. I want to go gently into the dying of the night.

There is no hope in my Pandora's box; the fairies forgot to tell me that I had to store some hope in it. It is dark, and voices are buzzing around me. Are they the voices of my past: the parents screaming, the children mocking me, the dog yelping in pain as she was thrown down the steps.

Is that me screaming in agony and ecstasy? I cannot tell.

The darkness will give way to a yellow fog, and then the sun will slowly come back. That much I know.

This is not the first time I have opened Pandora's box.

I can only wait.

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