Friday, September 21, 2007

No way Jose!

Mourinho's gone and Da Doo Ron Ron was quick to send in this little gem.

News Flash: Police were called out to investigate reports of an explosion in West London yesterday morning. When they got there they found out that the bang was nothing more than Chelsea's bubble bursting.

Here are some other corkers...or maybe not

  • Chelsea have launched a new after shave called 'the special one' from U GO BOSS
  • You have got to check out this spoof of Jose Mourinho ordering pizza for the Chelsea team, log on to
  • Why does it only take one Jose Mourinho to change a light bulb?
    Because he holds it and the world revolves around him....

And then there are al those other classic football jokes that I just had to include here.

  • David Beckham comes into training with a massive smile on his face. When he’s asked why he’s so happy he explains: “I’ve just finished a 12-piece jigsaw of a tractor, and it only took me 8 weeks!” The manager looks at him and says “David, that’s really shit…8 weeks?” “Yes” he replied, “but it said 2 to 4 years on the box!”

  • A guy is patiently sitting watching Bolton getting drubbed again. A steward comes up to him and asks “Excuse me, are you staying right to the end?” The guy shrugs his shoulders and says, “Well I may as well”. “Great” said the steward, “Here are the keys, lock up when you leave”
So send in any others that you have about ol’ Jose and the poe-faced twat Roman

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