London: That lying bitch! (OK I’m not as upset as that sounds), but surely Britney Spears could have come clean about her virginity.
According to the wires, Britney, who had famously vowed that she would wait till marriage to have sex, lost her virginity when she was 14, her former laywer said.
In an interview with a magazine, Eric Ervin claimed that Spears first had sex with her boyfriend of three years. He also said that Spears' virgin image was a "PR blitz" and that she and Justin Timberlake were intimate from the beginning, thesun.co.uk reports.
Some famous virgins. Seriously- Hans Christian Anderson
- James Barrie
- Lewis Carroll
- Emily Dickenson
- Ed Gein
- Edgar Hoover
- Immanuel Kant
- Soren Kierkegard
- Sir isaac Newton
- Nikolai Tesla
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